To BBC Members, Trip Leaders and the Birding Community:

As with many of you, we note with concern the rapidly increasing number of COVID infections in Massachusetts and throughout the country.  Unlike last winter and spring, we now know more about which public health measures allow us to engage safely in some measure of outdoor activities.  With this in mind, we ask all field trip attendees and leaders to follow these common-sense guidelines:

  • We support the right of anyone who wishes to do so to wear a mask.  While we do not require attendees to wear a mask at this time, we expect everyone who attends a trip to respect the choice of those who do.*
  • Carpooling and sharing optics are not advisable outside of family groups or friend pods.
  • Birding outdoors in the winter often comes with a lot of wind that may cut down on exposure to the virus.  Nonetheless, we ask that people continue to practice social distancing insofar as practical.
  • If you’re sick or experiencing any symptoms that indicate you might be sick, STAY HOME. 
  • If you are a leader uncomfortable with leading a trip presently, please try to find an alternative leader, or plan to cancel the trip.  Cancellations for this reason should come with at least 48 hours notice, if possible.  Our field trip coordinator can help with finding an alternate leader if asked.  Email Cliff Cook at for assistance to let him know about a cancellation.
  • Unless otherwise stated on the website or in the Blue Book, pre-registration is not required to attend a BBC trip.

* Note that we acknowledge and follow the policies of individual walk locations and co-sponsoring organizations, which may require masking outdoors or in indoor spaces such as restrooms. Keep in mind that these policies may change, so leaders and participants are expected to carry a mask on a BBC trip.

We hope to see you out birding soon.  Stay safe and warm!

The Brookline Bird Club

(Photo credit: Snowy Owl by Jared Keyes)

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

News Categories

Upcoming Field Trips

Horn Pond, Woburn

Woburn - Horn Pond - Sturgis St 98 Sturgis St, Woburn, MA, United States

Let's look for early Spring migrants such as Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and early warblers such as Palm, Pine, and Yellow-rumped. Co-sponsored with the Menotomy Bird Club.

Slow Birding at Revere Beach

Revere Beach 21 Revere Beach Blvd, Revere, MA, United States

Led by DCR Park Staff. Come observe the beautiful details of birds and their behaviors and share observations with others in the group. Pose questions and memories that observations elicit. Birds we may see include Piping Plover, Manx Shearwater, resident gulls, with Common Tern arriving by May. Suitable for adults and children 8 years+. Children [...]

Horn Pond, Woburn

Woburn - Horn Pond - Lake St 93 Lake Ave, Woburn, MA, United States

Let's look for early Spring migrants such as Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Field Sparrow, and early warblers such as Palm, Pine, and Yellow-rumped. We will be hiking up the mountain so please wear appropriate footwear. Co-sponsored with the Menotomy Bird Club.

Crooked Pond

Boxford - Crooked Pond 208 Middleton Road, Boxford, MA, United States

Join us for the traditional BBC early spring walk at Crooked Pond--Bald Hill Reservation, for Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, and early spring migrants like Louisiana Waterthrush.. The trail is generally flat, muddy, and possibly icy. Dress warmly; walking sticks helpful.

Fruitlands Museum, Harvard

Harvard - Fruitlands Museum 102 Prospect Hill Rd., Harvard, MA, United States

Co-sponsored with Boxborough Birders. We will look for resident species including Indigo Bunting, Savannah Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Veery, Blue-headed Vireo, Wild Turkey, American Kestrel, and a variety of warblers. Expect to walk about two miles on trails through meadows and woods, with some steep sections. Prepare for ticks. We will bird at the [...]

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