Cape Ann-Gloucester & Rockport, Essex, Massachusetts, US
Jan 8, 2022 8:26 AM – 2:17 PM
Checklist Comments:    BBC Bird Walk about 14 people, Gloucester Harbor, Jodrey Fish Pier, Wonson Cove at Rocky Neck, Brace Cove and Niles Pond, Bass Rocks at Elks Club, Granite Pier, Cathedral Ledge, and Halibut Point.
37 species
Brant  14    Brace Cove flock and one in Rockport
Canada Goose  50
Mallard  70
Greater Scaup  14    Gloucester harbor and Niles Pond
Lesser Scaup  2    Mixed flock in Niles Pond very close looks at the different head shapes between Great and Lesser Scaup. A photo added in Bufflehead has a Lesser Scaup in the middle of the frame along with Buffleheads
Common Eider  35
Harlequin Duck  30    Granite Pier, Cathedral Ledge, and Halibut Point
Surf Scoter  16
White-winged Scoter  8    D I I’ll no I’m
Black Scoter  4    Halibut Point
Long-tailed Duck  14    2 in Gloucester Harbor and larger flock at Halibut Point.
Bufflehead  16
Common Goldeneye  9
Red-breasted Merganser  45
Horned Grebe  1
Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)  1
Razorbill  3    Granite Pier and Halibut Point
Black Guillemot  3    Two by bass rocks one at Granite pier
Ring-billed Gull  10
Herring Gull  15
Glaucous Gull  1
Great Black-backed Gull  7
Red-throated Loon  2
Common Loon  5
Great Cormorant  16
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  1
Blue Jay  2
American Crow  21
Black-capped Chickadee  2
Carolina Wren  2
European Starling  40
Northern Mockingbird  2
American Robin  40
American Pipit  3    At Brace Cove feeding on seaweed
House Finch  1
Song Sparrow  3
Northern Cardinal  1
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