It was a great morning for birding at Plum Island (7:30-11:30) and I was joined by Jane Bean, Chris Martone and Barbara and Bill Drummond! It was a great team. I consider Bill by mentor and an outstanding birder and teacher of 24 years! It was great to see him. Thanks Bill!
Here are the highlights in no particular order:
4 Piping Plover, Sandy Point (SP)
Raptors: Cooper’s Hawk, Northern Harrier (2), Red-tailed Hawk (2) and Osprey
2 Forster’s Tern, New Blind and SP
25+ Common Terns (including young begging for fish)
1 Solitary Sandpiper (Stage Island (SI))
1 AMERICAN AVOCET – continuing bird, SI
1 Spotted Sandpiper
Killdeer – lots
Semi-palmated Plover – 100’s
Black-bellied Plover – many
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs
Semi-palmated Sandpiper
1 Black-crowned Heron (Lot 1 Boat ramp)
Snowy and Great Egrets
2 Eastern Towhee
Baltimore Oriole – Hellcat
Yellow Warbler – 1 only!, SP
Good Birding!
Don Wilkinson, Nahant