
Buy a Duck Stamp to Support National Wildlife Refuges

July 18th, 2022|Categories: BBC News|

As birders, we treasure our birding visits to national wildlife refuges locally and nationally. Of the 32 refuges in New England, 11 are in Massachusetts, including Parker River, Monomoy, Great Meadows, Oxbow, and Assabet River. By purchasing a Federal [...]

Common-sense Guidelines for Field Trip Attendees and Leaders

January 10th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

To BBC Members, Trip Leaders and the Birding Community: As with many of you, we note with concern the rapidly increasing number of COVID infections in Massachusetts and throughout the country.  Unlike last winter and spring, we now know [...]

Update: Rio Grande Valley Land Fund Salineno birding tract

October 30th, 2021|Categories: BBC News|

An update from Vicky Guerra via Rio Grande Valley Birding: The final order of dismissal of the government's condemnation lawsuit against Valley Land Fund's Salineno birding tract was signed in late September. The title has now reverted back to [...]

Buy a Duck Stamp to Support National Wildlife Refuges

July 18th, 2022|Categories: BBC News|

As birders, we treasure our birding visits to national wildlife refuges locally and nationally. Of the 32 refuges in New England, 11 are in Massachusetts, including Parker River, Monomoy, Great Meadows, Oxbow, and Assabet River. By purchasing a Federal [...]

Common-sense Guidelines for Field Trip Attendees and Leaders

January 10th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

To BBC Members, Trip Leaders and the Birding Community: As with many of you, we note with concern the rapidly increasing number of COVID infections in Massachusetts and throughout the country.  Unlike last winter and spring, we now know [...]

Update: Rio Grande Valley Land Fund Salineno birding tract

October 30th, 2021|Categories: BBC News|

An update from Vicky Guerra via Rio Grande Valley Birding: The final order of dismissal of the government's condemnation lawsuit against Valley Land Fund's Salineno birding tract was signed in late September. The title has now reverted back to [...]

Buy a Duck Stamp to Support National Wildlife Refuges

July 18th, 2022|Categories: BBC News|

As birders, we treasure our birding visits to national wildlife refuges locally and nationally. Of the 32 refuges in New England, 11 are in Massachusetts, including Parker River, Monomoy, Great Meadows, Oxbow, and Assabet River. By purchasing a Federal [...]

Common-sense Guidelines for Field Trip Attendees and Leaders

January 10th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

To BBC Members, Trip Leaders and the Birding Community: As with many of you, we note with concern the rapidly increasing number of COVID infections in Massachusetts and throughout the country.  Unlike last winter and spring, we now know [...]

Update: Rio Grande Valley Land Fund Salineno birding tract

October 30th, 2021|Categories: BBC News|

An update from Vicky Guerra via Rio Grande Valley Birding: The final order of dismissal of the government's condemnation lawsuit against Valley Land Fund's Salineno birding tract was signed in late September. The title has now reverted back to [...]

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