by Robert H. Stymeist, Statistician
During 2000, the Brookline Bird Club listed 305 species of birds on 228 reported trips, four more than last year. A total of 290 trips were scheduled, an all-time high for the Club. They broke down as follows: 73 all-day, 180 morning, 31 afternoon or evening, and six weekend trips. A very high number of trips went unreported (a gentle reminder to leaders to return the checklist provided with a stamped envelope). Sixty-two trips were not reported, of which only 16 were weather-related. In Massachusetts, the Club reported a total of 296 species on 217 trips.
One new species was added to the overall Brookline Bird Club list of birds, the Tropical Kingbird recorded on an extension of a Cape Cod trip on November 18. This bird, first found on November 8 at World’s End in Hingham, represented the first state record for this species in Massachusetts.
The Club scheduled one trip to the Dead Creek area in Vermont, famous for wintering raptors. A total of 24 Red-tailed and 16 Rough-legged hawks were noted as well as 2000 Snow Geese.
There were two weekend trips to Maine. Ida Giriunas, on her annual trip to Machias Seal Island and surroundings, led 10 members through many different habitats and recorded 98 species, including 4400 Arctic Terns, 1600 Razorbills, 40 Common Murres, 3000 Atlantic Puffins, two Boreal Chickadees and a Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow. Alan and Barbara Delorey led a trip to the Connecticut Lakes region of northern New Hampshire, one of eight trips to that state. This trip was scheduled for boreal species and the five members who joined the leaders delighted in finding Spruce Grouse, 3 Black-backed Woodpeckers, 2 Gray Jays, and 7 Boreal Chickadees among the 99 species recorded.
This year, the Club had a dramatic increase in the number of pelagic trips, scheduled primarily through the efforts of Emmalee Tarry. A total of 13 trips were listed, three of which were dedicated charters including one to the far off-shore area of Cashes Ledge. Other trips were on whale watches from Newburyport, Gloucester, Plymouth, Barnstable, and Provincetown.
The Massachusetts Audubon Society (MAS) Checklist (11/98) now includes all the species that have been identified in the state, as determined by the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC). The Club recorded the following species listed on the new list as very rare or as accidental species:
Eared Grebe Gloucester January 2
Greater White-fronted Goose Fairhaven January 22
Tufted Duck Plymouth January 9
American Avocet Plum Island August 19 & 20
Franklin’s Gull Newburyport November 5
Tropical Kingbird World’s End November 18
Missing from the Club list in 2000 were: Little Gull, Black Skimmer, Thick-billed Murre, Acadian Flycatcher, Western Kingbird, Golden-winged Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, Blue Grosbeak, and both White-winged and Red Crossbills (in Massachusetts).
The Club visited Essex County most often, with a total of 130 trips (67 to Newburyport and Plum Island area, 41 to Cape Ann, and to 22 other spots in the County). Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge was second with 50 trips, 14 more than last year. There were also 40 scheduled trips in the Metropolitan Boston area, 12 trips each to the South Shore and Sudbury River Valley areas, six trips each to areas on Cape Cod and Central Massachusetts, and five trips to areas in Western Massachusetts.
A special thank-you to the 80 leaders who guided our members throughout the year. Several leaders deserve special mention. Steve Grinley led an impressive 28 trips, Bill Drummond led 22 trips, John Nove led 16, Bob Petersen and Bob Stymeist each led 11 trips and Soheil Zendeh led 10 trips.
The biggest trip list was, as always, Bill Drummond’s spring trip on May 20 with 114 species. Bill commented on how it was a poor migration day but nonetheless recorded such goodies as the only Cattle Egret of the year, two very late Ruddy Ducks and a Whimbrel, a species uncommon in spring. The next best trip list was 95 species recorded on a sweep of Norfolk County on May 13 led by Glenn d’Entremont.
The Club recorded nearly 82% of all the birds that were noted during 2000 – pretty impressive! A total of at least 363 species were observed and reported by birders across the state during 2000.
The Tropical Kingbird was the only new bird added to the official State list. Other impressive species seen during the year were: Yellow-nosed Albatross, both White and Brown pelicans, Swallow-tailed and Mississippi kites, Yellow Rail, Purple Gallinule, Wilson’s Plover, Black-necked Stilt, South Polar Skua, Bridled Tern, White-winged Dove, Boreal Owl, Rufous Hummingbird, Northern Wheatear, Mountain Bluebird, Black-throated Gray and Townsend’s warblers, Black-headed Grosbeak, Spotted Towhee, Henslow’s, Harris’ and LeConte’s Sparrows, and Hoary Redpoll.
Weather-wise, 2000 was colder than normal and had above-normal precipitation. In Boston the temperature averaged 50.6 degrees, just 7 below normal. This was 2.2 degrees cooler than 1999 and the coldest since 1992. The high reached 92 degrees in Boston on June 17 and the low, 0, on January 17. Summer was well on the cool side. There were not many hot and humid days, making it a delightful and comfortable season. Rainfall totaled 45.83 inches, 4.32 inches more than average for Boston. The wettest month was June with 6.61 inches and the driest was August, with 2.22 inches in Boston. Days with measurable amounts were 133, nine over the normal number. Snowfall in Boston was a meager 28.5 inches, 13.6 inches under the average.
Birders were undaunted by the hype over Y2K; most of us ignored the warnings of the year, shut off our computers and went to bed early to start a New Year of birding.
Dick Corneau, Harwich 319
Bob Bieda, Northampton 318
Seward Highley, Brewster 318
Joe Paluzzi, Beverly 318
Mark Lynch, Worcester 316
Sally Clifton, Hyannis 315
John Hoye, Wayland 312
Audrey McCarthy, Wayland 309
Susan Hedman, Manchester 302
Herman D’Entrernont, Somerville 287
Glenn d’Entrernont, Randolph 283
Fred Bouchard, Brookline 282
Oakes Spalding, Cambridge 280
Bob Styrneist, Watertown 279
Laura de la Flor, Salem 277
Bobette Wicks, Westwood 259
Jerry Soucy, Rockport 252
Ian Lynch, Salem 251
Nancy Eaton, Enfield CT 250
Larry O’Bryan, Arlington 237
Larry Jodrey, Rockport 233
Adams Little, Cambridge 191
News Categories
Upcoming Field Trips
Woodcock Walk, North Easton
North Easton - Edwin A. Keach Park Chestnut Street, Easton, MA, United StatesFrom the playground, we will walk a short distance to an open area where we can observe 2 fields for Woodcock. Sunset is around 6:30 pm so bring a camp chair and relax for the Woodcock flight.
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Concord
Concord - Great Meadows Concord Unit, Entrance Rd, Concord, MA, United StatesWe will look for early migrants, waterfowl, and waders. Conditions may be wet; boots advised. Note that an entrance fee or pass is required.
Franklin Park – Scarboro Pond
Boston - Franklin Park & Scarboro Pond Roxbury, MA, United StatesWe will look for early spring migrants in Franklin Park. Beginners welcome and encouraged. Expect to walk up to 2 miles on paved paths. Loaner binoculars available. Co-sponsored with the Franklin Park Coalition and Franklin Park Tennis Association.
Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge
Mount Auburn Cemetery 536 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA, United StatesMount Auburn Cemetery is lovely in all seasons. In late March, we may see the very earliest migrants from the south (Red-winged Blackbird, others) as well as the remaining seasonal visitors from the north (e.g. White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco). And our usual year-round resident species will have just started to sing!
Blue Hills
Blue Hills - Chickatawbut off Randolph MA, United StatesThis trip consists of several short (1-mile) hikes (the first is rather steep) to look for Turkey Vultures, Pileated Woodpeckers, Eastern Bluebirds, and early-arriving Eastern Phoebes and Pine Warblers.