By Robert H. Stymeist, Statistician

During 2008, the Brookline Bird Club listed 306 species of birds on 190 reported trips, three species less than last year. A total of 249 trips were scheduled, 4 trips more than last year, but 41 trips less than the all time high number of 290 in 2000. There were 70 all-day, 152 mornings, 25 afternoons or evening, and two weekend trips. FIFTY-NINE trips were not reported, 20 were cancelled by weather and   THIRTY-NINE went unreported. In Massachusetts the Club listed a total of 296 species, two less than last year on 186 reported trips. To put this in perspective, birders throughout the state recorded a total of 364 species during the year, thus the BBC total of 296 is 81% of all the species seen in 2008!

Three new species were added to the overall Brookline Bird Club list of birds. The Club recorded SLATY-BACKED GULL from Gloucester. This bird, along with another sighting from Cape Cod showed up in December of 2007 and remained in the area through at least February 24 and was seen on several Cape Ann trips beginning January 12.The Club added the BROAD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD in September in East Dennis This adult male arrived on August 24 and remained until December 13 and was a first state record. A pre Machias Maine weekend trip to Newmarket, New Hampshire added MISSISSIPPI KITE to the overall BBC Club list. Three birds, two of which SUCCESSFULLY bred constituted the northern most breeding record for the species. Mississippi Kites also bred for the first time in Connecticut; hopefully they will start breeding in Massachusetts soon.

For the birder the weather in 2008 was for the most part-unremarkable with no ocean storms or massive fallouts noted during migration.  January and February were unseasonably warm, the temperature rose to a balmy 67 on January 7 and for the third winter in a row the temperature never reached zero or below in the Boston area. Rainfall was just a bit above average and snowfall for the winter season reached 24.3 inches in Boston just four inches above normal. March began rather lamb-like but soon heavy rains caused floods in eastern Mass and heavy snows in the north and western parts of the state. April brought samples of summer with the mercury hitting into the eighties causing the trees to leaf out making\ it harder to see the first migrants. May on the other hand was on the cool side with a lot of east and northeast winds during the first half of the month hampering migration for many of us in eastern Massachusetts. The last half of the month saw many more days with a southwesterly direction providing us with happier birding. The summer months were busy for many birders searching for breeding birds with the start of the Mass Audubon Breeding Bird Atlas. The temperature averaged out at nearly 72 in Boston for the summer months of June, July and August. The start of the fall migration begins in earnest in August with the first shorebirds returning and helped by a good number of days in August with northwest winds. The fall season was a bit cool with a lot rain especially with Hurricane Hanna in September which did not produce any major flight of storm related birds. The first freeze hit the Boston suburbs well into October, but the first hard freeze did not occur in Boston until November 18th.December was a bit on the mild side but was very wet and snowy. Many of the Christmas Bird Counts had to be rescheduled due to a major snow storm. Boston recorded 7.10 inches of rain, 3.37 inches over normal and a near record 25.3 inches of snow, 18.4 inches more than normal for December.

The sixth Annual Winter Meeting was held at Bedford Middle School on February 29, 2008. This was the Club’s FIRST Members Night. So many members of our Club travel all over the world as well as our own backyards and take excellent photographs. Peter and Fay Vale shared some of their best photos from a trip to South Africa in October 2007 and Paul Ippolito and Diana Fruguglieti took us on their adventure to Uganda, the pearl of Africa. Eddie Giles entertained the Club with his multi-media show on the annual BBC Rangley Lake trip which prompted a quick sign-up for the summer of 2009. Helen Bailey with a little help from her friends as well as strangers gave an interesting presentation followed by Joe Paluzzi with a fun show on bird lists and Shawn Carey closed the evening with fabulous photos of the birds and other wildlife he has taken in Massachusetts. The Spring Meeting at the Harvard Museum of Natural History featured Alison O’Hare who shared with us the results of a two year study of the Purple Martins of Plum Island and the fall meeting at Harvard featured members Paul Ippolito and his wife Diana Fruguglieti on their trip to the Galapagos Islands. This famous group of islands that Charles Darwin explored is a photographer’s utmost dream.

Laura de la Flor and Mark Burns opened up the start of 2008 by leading their twelfth annual New Year’s Day birding trip. A small army of THIRTY-THREE members came out on a warm but wet day to begin a New Year of birding. The trip tallied 49 species from Newburyport to Gloucester and finishing up at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary in Topsfield. There were many highlights including the only Hoary Redpolls of the year. Laura and Mark also led us through the seasons with a Vernal Equinox walk on March 22, a Summer Solstice hike on June 21and an Autumnal Equinox walk on September 20th. Jane Zanichkowsky led a Leap Day Lark trip on February 29 where mergansers and goldeneyes were in heavy courtship mode.

The annual Grand Slam Owl Prowl had to be cancelled this year due to weather, but Eddie Giles carried out a Cape Cod Waterfowl Prowl with Mary Kelleher. The intent of this trip is to cover as many ponds on Cape Cod as possible in hopes of seeing the 29 species of ducks (geese and swans don’t count). The leaders tallied 61 species but came up with 27 of the 29 duck species!  The Club scheduled Woodcock walks in Stoughton, Reading, and the Blue Hills. The Club continued co-sponsoring the TASL (Take a Second Look) surveys of the waterfowl of Boston Harbor and a Dawn Heron Census at Belle Isle Marsh in East Boston. Ongoing was a series of mid-week trips on Cape Ann in search for alcids led by Barbara Volke; Breeding Bird Surveys were conducted in Woburn and in Moose Brook Valley, Hardwick.

Again this year was a three day Cape Cod Blitz, starting on Friday September 12 at the feeder in East Dennis to add the Club’s first record of Broad-billed Hummingbird., the weather went downhill from there with gusty winds on South Beach and off and on rain, sometimes heavy though the trip recorded 113 species which included 4 Yellow-crowned Night Herons and absolute killer looks at a Baird’s Sandpiper just a few feet away.

This year, the Club scheduled five pelagic trips; the trip scheduled for waters off Chatham in November was cancelled because of weather and high seas. These Extreme Pelagics as they are called are 18 hour marathons to the Continental Shelf waters about 100 miles south of Muskeget Island. The super rarities found on these trips included Audubon’s Shearwater, Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Long-tailed Jaeger and Bridled Tern. The mammal show wasn’t too shabby, on the June 30th trip a staggering count of over 1100 Common or Saddleback Dolphins charged the boat to come and investigate us and to ride the bow waves and wake.

At the end of the year the Club suspends scheduled trips so that our members can participate in the Christmas Bird Counts (CBC)., there are 34 count circles in Massachusetts  and this year stormy weather forced some counts to reschedule.

A special thank-you to the 72 leaders who guided our members throughout the year, this was the second highest number of leaders ever- in 1988 there were 78 leaders. There are several leaders deserving special mention. Bill Drummond and Ida Giriunas, two of our long term members led the most with 19 trips each followed by Soheil Zendeh with 15 trips, Bob Stymeist with 14, Jane Zanichkowsky and Glenn D’Entremont each with 13, Jonathan Center led 12 and Linda Ferreresso and Bob Petersen each led 10. Another twelve dedicated leaders accounted for five or more trips each.

The Club visited Essex County most often, with a total of 86 scheduled trips seeing 232 species on 74 reported trips.  Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge was a distant second with 36 trips which recorded 108 species. There were also 34 scheduled trips in the Metropolitan Boston area, 19 trips were scheduled in the extended Sudbury River Valley, which included Great Meadows NWR, Oxbow NWR, and  the Assabet NWR, and one visit to Bolton Flats. Thirty-three trips to the South Shore and to areas on Cape Cod including four trips to the hot birding spot at Wompatuck State Park in Hingham. and seven trips to areas in Western Mass.

Out-of-state trips included a weekend trip to the Machias area and to Rangely Lakes in Maine. The combined total number of species on the Maine trips was 137 and included some boreal birds such as Spruce Grouse, Black-backed Woodpecker, Gray Jay and Boreal Chickadee. Both Ida Giriunas and Eddie Giles have been leading these great trips for many years affording Club members the opportunity to see some northern forest and ocean birds that don’t nest in Massachusetts. There were three trips scheduled in New Hampshire plus one diversion to Newmarket for the Mississippi Kites. Highlights among the 94 species included Rufous Hummingbird, Gray Jay Boreal Chickadee plus the only report of Ipswich Sparrow.

The Massachusetts Audubon Society (MAS) Checklist (10/2000) now includes all the species that have been identified in the state as determined by the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC). The Club recorded the following species that are listed on the new list as rare or as accidental species.

Eared Grebe                                      Gloucester                                        January 5

Scopoli’s Shearwater                            Atlantis Canyon trip                           June 28

Audubon’s Shearwater                        Atlantis Canyon trip                           June 28

Leach’s Storm-Petrel                          Atlantis Canyon trip                           June 28

Band-rumped Storm-Petrel                  Atlantis Canyon trip                           July 19

MISSISSIPPI KITE                           Newmarket, NH                                June 13

King Rail                                         Plum Island                                      July 7

Long-tailed Jaeger                              Atlantis Canyon trip                           July 19

Thayer’s Gull                                   Gloucester                                        February 17

SLATY-BACKED GULL                   Gloucester                                        January 12

Bridled Tern                                     Atlantis Canyon trip                           July 19

BROAD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD    East Dennis                                      September 13

Rufous Hummingbird                         Plaistow, NH                                    November 2

Townsend’s Solitaire                          Rockport                                          January 5

Bohemian Waxwing                          Rockport                                          January 12

Summer Tanager                                Mt. Auburn                                      May 16

The following species occur with some regularity in Massachusetts but were missed by the Club during 2008: Northern Bobwhite, Cattle Egret, Upland Sandpiper, Ruff, Long- billed Dowitcher, Little Gull, Black-headed Gull, Long-eared Owl, Olive-sided Flycatcher (seen in Maine), Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (seen in New Hampshire and Maine), Gray-cheeked Thrush, Golden-winged Warbler, Connecticut Warbler, and Pine Siskin (seen in Maine)

The biggest trip list this year was Bill Drummond’s trip on May 10 from Rowley to Newburyport and including Plum Island which recorded just 89 species, this is the first year in decades that did not reach the century mark in a single day!

January 26                     Somerset-Westport          59 species          Bob Stymeist, leader

February 10                    Scituate-Plymouth           67species           Glenn d’Entremont, leader

March 15                       Cape Cod Waterfowl        61 species          Eddie Giles, leader

April 27                         Boston                          85 species          Bob Stymeist, leader

May 10                          Rowley-Plum Island         89 species          Bill Drummond, leader

June 22                          October Mountain           85species           Glenn d’Entremont, leader

July 7                            Plum Island                    82 species          Tom Young, leader

August 31                      Newburyport-PI               65 species          Bill Drummond, leaders

September 13                  Wellfleet                        79 species          Bob Stymeist, leader

October 5                       Ipswich                          70 species          Tom Young, leader

November 1                   Plum Island-Salisbury      75 species          Bill Drummond, leader

December 6                    Cape Ann                       44 species          Bob Petersen, leader

The Club recorded 81% of all the birds that were noted during 2008-pretty impressive! A total of at least 364 species, thirteen less than last year were observed and reported by birders across the state during 2008. Other noteworthy species seen during the year but not on the BBC list were: Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Greater White-fronted Goose, Cackling Goose, Barnacle Goose, Tundra Swan, White Pelican, Black Vulture, Swallow-tailed Kite, Golden Eagle, Gyrfalcon, Yellow Rail, Purple Gallinule, Black-necked Stilt, Curlew Sandpiper, Franklin’s Black-tailed, and Sabine’s gulls, Calliope Hummingbird, Say’s Phoebe, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Loggerhead Shrike, Sedge Wren, Mountain Bluebird, Varied Thrush, Audubon’s and Prothonotary warblers, and Yellow-headed Blackbird to name a few.

There were a few spirited competitions during the year; the most ambitious one was on Plum Island. Tom Wetmore kept a daily tally of all the birds seen on the Island and generated a friendly contest (though those heavily involved were hesitant to bird anywhere else) and the total number of species seen on the Island was an amazing 292 which was taken from a total of 52, 853 reports. Not to be out down, a group from Boston formed the BIMBO’s (Birding in metro Boston only) to challenge the Plums.

Another competition initiated by the Brits and embraced by a cadre of Boston birders was a BIGBY; this is an acronym for birders doing a Big Green Big Year in which birders attempt to build a long list of species without out once contributing to greenhouse gas emissions though public transportation was allowed.


There was no question among those who sent in their lists, the Broad-billed Hummingbird that spent almost five months coming to a feeder in Dennis was the clear favorite. You have to also believe that the whole scene there in the backyard of Ron and Marge Murphy had a lot to do with it. The Murphy’s opened up their yard to the birding community and totally changed their daily routine to accommodate their visitor. The Fork-tailed Flycatcher which showed up in early April in a small pond in Brighton provided excellent photo opportunities and was listed as a favorite on many lists. Here in their own words are some other favorite memories of 2008.

“A Cape May Warbler feeding in the spruce tree illuminated by a warm October sun”

“Watching Cave Swallows heading to their roost in the northeast corner of the pavilion in Salisbury”

“Seeing a Sandhill Crane flying low over the Bill Forward Pool on Plum Island”

“King Rails at Plum Island, hearing the bellowing male, then seen preening, stretching its wings and making “kik” calls at 20 feet away”

“The Say’s Phoebe popping up on a sprig of goldenrod in the dunes at dawn”

“Watching Chimney Swifts retiring to a chimney in West Newbury one evening”

“Visiting the active tern colony at the end of Plymouth Beach, seeing four species of terns on a gorgeous, cloudless summer day”

Other favorites included personal finds: a Gyrfalcon, a Bicknell’s Thrush, baby Barred Owls, seeing 36 species of Wood warblers.

Rounding out the list of favorites was: White-faced Ibis, Slaty-backed and Black-tailed gulls, Golden Eagle, Clapper Rail, Townsend’s Solitaire, Bohemian Waxwings and Western Tanager.

The Gloucester Eared Grebe it seems, failed to return in the fall and was among the top vote getters for most missed bird, Doug Chickering wrote” Since 1996 it has been my first “write-in” on my Massachusetts list; it seems the era of the Eared Grebe of Gloucester Harbor is over, for over a decade this unlikely visitor could be seen, usually next to a white mooring ball, I’ll miss him”

Most aggravating multi-year miss: “Ruffed Grouse in spite of a serious effort”

Most: disturbing new this year miss: ”Stilt Sandpiper”

Actually, Stilt Sandpiper was listed by many along with Western, Baird’s, Buff-breasted and Upland sandpipers.

Repeated trips in search of a rare bird only to keep coming up empty frustrated some birders, the Black-tailed Gull at Race Point in Provincetown always seemed to be missing on the days they looked and the Tundra Swans in Longmeadow had always just flown away moments after arriving. Cave Swallow and Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrow garnered votes especially after an extensive search.

Then there are the “should have got that” bird, one respondent listed FORTY species! Owls always seem to make the list and Barred Owls were mentioned most often and still, the Golden-winged Warbler makes the list from veteran birders who remember the days when they outnumbered the Blue-winged Warbler.

All in all it was a very good year, really hard to complain and a great big thank-you to Massbird, the internet and the great group of birders who share their knowledge and their love of birding throughout the year.


John Hoye, Wayland                           326

Audrey McCarthy, Wayland                 323

Oakes Spalding, Cambridge                 312

Herman D’Entremont, Somerville         311

Glenn d’Entremont, Stoughton              307

Chris Floyd, Lexington                        303

Linda Ferraresso, Watertown                300

Ida Giriunas, Reading                          293

Margo Goetschkes, Cambridge             293

Mollie Taylor, Danvers                        291

Steve Grinley, Newburyport                 289

Bev Chiasson, Newton                        288

Doug Chickering, Groveland                273

Bob Stymeist, Arlington                      272

George Gove, Southboro                      272

Karsten Hartel, Arlington                     269

Fred Bouchard, Belmont                      266

Paul Gurn, Fall River                          261

Eileen Synnott, Fall River                    260

Tom Wetmore, Newburyport              260*

Steve Grinley, Newburyport               257*

Lois Cooper, Groveland                       254

Jonathan Center, Chelmsford                252

Margo Goetschkes, Cambridge            241*

Doug Chickering, Groveland               231*

Sue McGrath, Newburyport                231*

Laura de laFlor, Salem                        229

Davis Noble, Marblehead                 189**

* Plum Island Only

** Marblehead only

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

March 26 Open to All Webinar: At Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly [...]

News Categories

Upcoming Field Trips

Woodcock Walk, North Easton

North Easton - Edwin A. Keach Park Chestnut Street, Easton, MA, United States

From the playground, we will walk a short distance to an open area where we can observe 2 fields for Woodcock. Sunset is around 6:30 pm so bring a camp chair and relax for the Woodcock flight.

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Concord

Concord - Great Meadows Concord Unit, Entrance Rd, Concord, MA, United States

We will look for early migrants, waterfowl, and waders. Conditions may be wet; boots advised. Note that an entrance fee or pass is required.

Franklin Park – Scarboro Pond

Boston - Franklin Park & Scarboro Pond Roxbury, MA, United States

We will look for early spring migrants in Franklin Park. Beginners welcome and encouraged. Expect to walk up to 2 miles on paved paths. Loaner binoculars available. Co-sponsored with the Franklin Park Coalition and Franklin Park Tennis Association.

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge

Mount Auburn Cemetery 536 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA, United States

Mount Auburn Cemetery is lovely in all seasons.  In late March, we may see the very earliest migrants from the south (Red-winged Blackbird, others) as well as the remaining seasonal visitors from the north (e.g. White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco).  And our usual year-round resident species will have just started to sing!

Blue Hills

Blue Hills - Chickatawbut off Randolph MA, United States

This trip consists of several short (1-mile) hikes (the first is rather steep) to look for Turkey Vultures, Pileated Woodpeckers, Eastern Bluebirds, and early-arriving Eastern Phoebes and Pine Warblers.

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