2021 Christmas Count Information

Christmas count season is here and it’s time to contact your local compiler to learn how to join in.  You can find a map showing all count circles in Massachusetts and throughout the world here:


Click on a count circle to learn about the date and contact information for the compiler.  Counts coming up the weekend of the 18th – 19th include Andover (18th), Athol (18th), Boston (19th), Cape Ann (19th), Millis (18th), New Bedford (18th), Quincy (18th), and Worcester (18th).  Counts later in December or early January include Concord (1/4), Newburyport (26th), Plymouth (21st) and Westminster (1/4).


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 275 species for 2023, based upon 200 trips reported from Massachusetts, and those from out of state.  We recorded 267 species in Massachusetts, three more than 2022, with 8 [...]


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 276 species for 2022, based upon 204 reported trips. Of those, 264 species were recorded in Massachusetts, with 12 additional species reported from the out-of-state trips to New Hampshire [...]


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 275 species for 2023, based upon 200 trips reported from Massachusetts, and those from out of state.  We recorded 267 species in Massachusetts, three more than 2022, with 8 [...]


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 276 species for 2022, based upon 204 reported trips. Of those, 264 species were recorded in Massachusetts, with 12 additional species reported from the out-of-state trips to New Hampshire [...]


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 275 species for 2023, based upon 200 trips reported from Massachusetts, and those from out of state.  We recorded 267 species in Massachusetts, three more than 2022, with 8 [...]


The Brookline Bird Club (BBC) recorded 276 species for 2022, based upon 204 reported trips. Of those, 264 species were recorded in Massachusetts, with 12 additional species reported from the out-of-state trips to New Hampshire [...]

News Categories

Upcoming Field Trips

Vernal Equinox Walk. Leader’s Choice

Leader's Choice

The trip leader will monitor recent sightings prior to meeting and select the birdiest spots. Contact leader for details. Call or e-mail no later than 7 PM on March 20.

Parker River NWR

Parker River NWR - Lot #1 Refuge Rd., Newbury, MA, MA, United States

We will explore various hot-spots on the refuge. Note that an entrance fee or pass is required to visit Parker River NWR.

“Timberdoodles” kids’ Evening walk , Belmont (This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.)

Leader's Choice

This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.   This walk is for kids aged 5-12 with an accompanying parent or parents. Group size is limited; contact Kathy Dia to register and for meeting place details at kdia@brooklinebirdclub.org. The American Woodcock is an unusual upland shorebird whose unique courtship display is really something to see! Join [...]

Woodcock Watch, Oxbow NWR, Harvard

Harvard - Still River Depot Road

We will stay until it gets dark to watch for American Woodcock. Come early to enjoy other birds. Rain date Sunday, March 23, same time.

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