Brookline Bird Club’s 7 Seas Whale Watch Trip Report, 2024

Photo: Black Guillemot, Johnny Owens

On a beautiful Saturday morning July 27, 46 club members and friends boarded the 7 Seas sailing vessel Privateer IV out of Gloucester Harbor on a whale watching and sea birding adventure!  We traveled along the coastline up into Ipswich Bay to Halfway Hump.  To our delight there were great looks at many birds, including 4 species of Shearwaters, and even a few species of mammals.  Photos were shared to the Brookline Bird Club Facebook page.  Here is a listing of what we saw:

What we saw – birds, whales and more!:

  • American Black Duck – 32
  • Common Eider – 13
  • Black Scoter – 1
  • Black Guillemont – 1
  • Laughing Gull – 1
  • Herring Gull – 300 (underestimate)
  • Great Black Backed Gull – 42
  • Common Tern – 18
  • Wilson’s Storm Petral – 6
  • Cory’s Shearwater – 14
  • Great Shearwater – 26
  • Sooty Shearwater – 1
  • Manx Shearwater – 3
  • Northern Gannet – 1
  • DC Cormorant – 500 (underestimate)
  • Little Blue Heron – 1
  • Great Egret – 21
  • Tree Swallow – 3
  • Great Blue Heron – 1
  • Humpback Whales – 2
  • Minke Whale – 1
  • Harbor Seal – 1
  • Atlantic White Dolphin – 30 (estimate)
  • Mola Mola – 2 (awesome looks right next to boat)
  • Harbor Porpoises – several small pods