The Massachusetts Army National Guard’s Natural Resource Program is hosting grassland bird tours in May on Camp Edwards. This is an unusual opportunity for avid birders, naturalists and photographers to walk through the Camp Edwards grasslands on a guide-led tour.

There are several hundred acres of grassland managed on Camp Edwards at Joint Base Cape Cod. This thriving habitat, a rarity in the rest of Massachusetts, is home to a variety of grassland bird species including four state-listed species: Upland Sandpiper, Northern Harrier, Grasshopper Sparrow and the Eastern Meadowlark.

Tours will be held on May 18, May 19, May 25, and May 26 from 6-8am. Each is limited to 20 participants and filled on a first come, first served basis. To register for a tour, please email with your name, phone number, and desired tour date. See below flyer for more details.

  • Avian Flu: BBC webinar recording & resources

    On March 19th 2024, the Brookline Bird Club hosted a webinar on avian flu by presenter Dr. Wendy Puryear from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University. Dr. Puryear […]

  • Calling all Brookline Bird Club members! Please join us for our Annual Members Meeting on Friday, April 19, 2024 from 7pm-9pm, with a social hour beginning at 6:30pm. This meeting will be hybrid: hosted at the Harvard University Geologic Hall (24 […]

  • January 17, 2024 / 7:00PM-8:30PM

    Lawrence is well known for its winter crow roost, with thousands of birds pouring in from every direction. Join us at this webinar where Dana Duxbury-Fox and Bob Fox talk about their experiences in Lawrence and about their research into roosting […]

  • The BBC is pleased to announce that we will again offer two Bill Drummond Young Birder’s Scholarships to nurture interest in bird study and conservation among young birders. The 2024 scholarships will cover the full cost ($1690) of the Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens […]

  • Cost: $100 per person for BBC members/$120 per person for nonmembers (payment link will appear after you submit this form).


    ***If you registered for the 11/18 trip and asked us to carry over your registration please […]

  • Cost: $100 per person for BBC members/$120 per person for nonmembers


    When/where: Saturday, November 18, 2023 (rain date for bad weather Nov 19, 2023) pelagic trip on the Helen H leaves from Hyannis, Massachusetts at […]

  • Leaders: Peter Flood, Liam Waters, Keenan Yakola

    BBC trip organizers: Naeem Yusuff, Bobbie Hodson, Sebastian Jones

    Data compiled by P. Flood; eBird lists and trip report by S. Jones

    Nearly cancelled due to weather and the approaching Tropical Storm Franklin, we braved fog, rain and occasional bumpy […]

  • The BBC Conservation and Education Committee is pleased to announce an extraordinary run of six Book Fund donations, totaling around $4000, to schools and educational programs from around and beyond Massachusetts. The Book Fund, supported entirely by member donations, was instituted to promote bird and […]

  • The BBC is again selling the Federal Migratory Bird Conservation and Hunting Stamp. We are doing this in support of the National Wildlife Refuge System and to support conservation of federal lands. Ninety-eight cents of every Stamp dollar goes to land acquisition from willing sellers […]

  • Long time board member and past president of the Brookline Bird Club Tom Prince passed away May 28, 2023, after a period of declining health.

    A longtime birder and butterflier, Tom was a gentle giant, always kind, patient, and full of good humor.  His positive attitude, […]

News Categories

Upcoming Field Trips

Woodcocks at Alewife

Cambridge - Alewife Alewife MBTA Red Line Station, Cambridge, MA, United States

We will search the northwest corner of Cambridge in hopes of seeing, or at least hearing, the American Woodcock's mating display, a traditional New England rite of spring. Walk of less than a mile mostly or entirely on flat, paved walkways. No restrooms. Easily accessible from the Alewife MBTA station.

Vernal Equinox Walk. Leader’s Choice

Leader's Choice

The trip leader will monitor recent sightings prior to meeting and select the birdiest spots. Contact leader for details. Call or e-mail no later than 7 PM on March 20.

Parker River NWR

Parker River NWR - Lot #1 Refuge Rd., Newbury, MA, MA, United States

We will explore various hot-spots on the refuge. Note that an entrance fee or pass is required to visit Parker River NWR.