Exploring with the BBC and Outside Mind

On May 20 John Nelson and teen birder Johnny Owens led a Brookline Bird Club walk at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary co-sponsored by Outside Mind, a nonprofit founded to provide outdoor access and opportunity for BIPOC communities on the North Shore.

This was a new kind of experience for many of the 17 participants, including four children, and the group had fun finding birds, turtles, and frogs and feeding the birds out of their hands. John asked one little girl if she liked walking in the woods, and she answered, “I love it!” Thanks to Outside Mind’s dynamic founder Jireh Ishaazi, photographer Thomas Townsend, and Mass Audubon’s Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary.


Brookline Bird Club 2021 Statistical and Year-End Report By David Scott, Club Statistician The Brookline Bird Club recorded 270 species for 2021, based upon 206 reported trips. Two-hundred and sixty-five species were recorded in Massachusetts, [...]


Brookline Bird Club 2021 Statistical and Year-End Report By David Scott, Club Statistician The Brookline Bird Club recorded 270 species for 2021, based upon 206 reported trips. Two-hundred and sixty-five species were recorded in Massachusetts, [...]


Brookline Bird Club 2021 Statistical and Year-End Report By David Scott, Club Statistician The Brookline Bird Club recorded 270 species for 2021, based upon 206 reported trips. Two-hundred and sixty-five species were recorded in Massachusetts, [...]

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Upcoming Field Trips

Vernal Equinox Walk. Leader’s Choice

Leader's Choice

The trip leader will monitor recent sightings prior to meeting and select the birdiest spots. Contact leader for details. Call or e-mail no later than 7 PM on March 20.

“Timberdoodles” kids’ Evening walk , Belmont (This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.)

Leader's Choice

This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.   This walk is for kids aged 5-12 with an accompanying parent or parents. Group size is limited; contact Kathy Dia to register and for meeting place details at kdia@brooklinebirdclub.org. The American Woodcock is an unusual upland shorebird whose unique courtship display is really something to see! Join [...]

Woodcock Watch, Oxbow NWR, Harvard

Harvard - Still River Depot Road

We will stay until it gets dark to watch for American Woodcock. Come early to enjoy other birds. Rain date Sunday, March 23, same time.

Timberdoodles in Sharon (Rescheduled from March 21)

Sharon - Moose Hill Farm (trustees) 396 Moose Hill Street, Sharon, MA, United States

Come watch American Woodcock display behavior. Water-resistant shoes helpful, but not needed.

Dunback Meadow, Lexington

We will look for wintering birds and early migrants. Cosponsored with Menotomy Bird club.

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