Exploring with the BBC and Outside Mind

On May 20 John Nelson and teen birder Johnny Owens led a Brookline Bird Club walk at Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary co-sponsored by Outside Mind, a nonprofit founded to provide outdoor access and opportunity for BIPOC communities on the North Shore. This was a new kind of experience for many of the 17 participants, including [...]

Exploring with the BBC and Outside Mind2024-02-14T18:50:43-05:00

Camp Edwards Grassland Bird Tours

The Massachusetts Army National Guard’s Natural Resource Program is hosting grassland bird tours in May and June on Camp Edwards. This is an unusual opportunity for avid birders, naturalists and photographers to walk through the Camp Edwards grasslands on a guide-led tour. There are several hundred acres of grassland managed on Camp Edwards at [...]

Camp Edwards Grassland Bird Tours2024-02-14T18:51:33-05:00

Congratulations to Our 2023 Teen Scholarship Recipients

The BBC is pleased and proud to announce that our two annual Bill Drummond Young Birder Scholarships have been awarded to Samuel Harris of Dorchester and William Buswell of Wakefield. These scholarships, instituted to nurture interest in bird study and conservation among young birders, cover the full cost ($1690) of the Coastal Maine Bird [...]

Congratulations to Our 2023 Teen Scholarship Recipients2024-02-14T18:51:43-05:00

BBC offers two scholarships to National Audubon’s Hog Island camp for June 2023

The BBC is pleased to announce that two teen birders have been selected to receive Bill Drummond Young Birder’s Scholarships that nurture interest in bird study and conservation among young birders. The 2023 scholarships cover the full cost ($1690) of the Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens program at National Audubon’s Hog Island camp [...]

BBC offers two scholarships to National Audubon’s Hog Island camp for June 20232024-02-14T18:51:43-05:00

Volunteers Needed for Grassland Bird Monitoring

Isabel Bronson, a Land Stewardship Coordinator serving with the Trustees of Reservations, is seeking volunteers to participate in a grassland bird monitoring community science program at Chestnut Hill Farm, The Fruitlands, Old Town Hill, Appleton Farms, Ward Reservation, Moose Hill Farm, Worlds End, or Powisset Farm. Since 2010, the Trustees have been conducting volunteer [...]

Volunteers Needed for Grassland Bird Monitoring2024-02-14T18:51:45-05:00

Donation to Friends of Belle Isle Marsh

On behalf of the Brookline Bird Club, the BBC Conservation & Education Committee is pleased to announce a donation of $250 to support the conservation and education work of the Friends of Belle Isle Marsh, the largest salt marsh in the city of Boston and vital habitat for salt marsh wildlife. The Friends strive to [...]

Donation to Friends of Belle Isle Marsh2023-01-04T09:20:28-05:00

BBC Extreme Pelagic August 27-28, 2022 – Trip Report

Date - 6:00 AM 8/27/22 (Saturday) to 5:00 PM 8/28/22 (Sunday) Weather - Variable. Saturday started out cloudy as we headed out over the Nantucket shoals to sunny as we hit the shelf edge. Winds moderate out of the SW creating a small, but turbulent sea which kept things very "bouncy" for much of the [...]

BBC Extreme Pelagic August 27-28, 2022 – Trip Report2024-02-14T18:52:10-05:00

Update from Hog Island Scholarship Recipients

Our 2022 Bill Drummond Young Birder Scholarship recipients, Jocelyn Pyne and Johnny Owens, report that they had wonderful experiences in June in the Coastal Maine Bird Study for Teens program at National Audubon's camp at Hog Island, Maine. "I had a great time at Hog Island," Jocelyn says. "I learned so [...]

Update from Hog Island Scholarship Recipients2024-02-14T18:52:21-05:00
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