BBC & Athol Bird and Nature Club Walk
On Friday, September 10th, 6 BBC members enjoyed the Athol Bird and Nature Club -- Brookline Bird Club's co-sponsored walk along Quabbin Reservoir's Gate 35 path. Warblers, thrushes, and other passerines, hawks, Bald Eagles, gulls, and cormorants were [...]
BBC & Athol Bird and Nature Club Walk
On Friday, September 10th, 6 BBC members enjoyed the Athol Bird and Nature Club -- Brookline Bird Club's co-sponsored walk along Quabbin Reservoir's Gate 35 path. Warblers, thrushes, and other passerines, hawks, Bald Eagles, gulls, and cormorants were [...]
BBC & Athol Bird and Nature Club Walk
On Friday, September 10th, 6 BBC members enjoyed the Athol Bird and Nature Club -- Brookline Bird Club's co-sponsored walk along Quabbin Reservoir's Gate 35 path. Warblers, thrushes, and other passerines, hawks, Bald Eagles, gulls, and cormorants were [...]