BBC Member Featured Photographer/Artist:
Avery Whitlock
My name is Avery Whitlock, and I am an illustrator, avid birder, and new member of the BBC. I studied Art and Biology at Connecticut College, where my interest in ornithology truly began to bloom.
- Common Yellowthroat by Avery Whitlock
- Golden-crowned Kinglet by Avery Whitlock
- Evening Grosbeak by Avery Whitlock
Birds were a casual interest of mine from a young age, but an ornithology course in college changed that casual interest into a passion. This led to studying works by John James Audubon, which effectively led me to create ornithological illustrations of my own. These illustrations began as a hobby, but have developed into freelance work over the years.
The ornithology course I took introduced me to a world I had never seen before. Birds were truly fascinating in their behaviors and interactions, and studying them out in the field was a delight. I went on to study animal behavior as well, and began creating illustrations.
- Common Eider by Avery Whitlock
- Eastern Screech-Owl by Avery Whitlock
My goal is to create illustrations depicting birds with both scientific accuracy and character. As I learned from Audubon, scientific accuracy is incredibly important, but character and personality are equally important to make the subject look alive.
Avery can be reached at, and their work can be viewed at They also have an online store at