Info for Field Trip Leaders

The Brookline Bird Club conducts birding trips in Massachusetts and other locations in New England. We encourage you to suggest new spots for our birding trips. Please let us know if there’s a place near where you live that you would recommend.

The Club is always looking for birders to lead club trips. All you need is enthusiasm and a desire to share your birding experience and knowledge. The time commitment can be as short or as long as you wish, so consider sharing the pleasure of your favorite birding hotspot. If you are interested in leading a trip for the club, or have suggestions on how to make trips better, please contact the Field Trip Coordinator.

Guidelines Description

Guidelines for Trip Leaders

Review the below guidelines for how best to lead a trip.

How to Create and Share Field Trip Checklists using eBird

Trip leaders should report their trip sightings to eBird and share with the club eBird account (username: BrooklineBirdClub). These trip reports are helpful to participants and we hope our sightings will benefit conservation efforts and help to better understand population dynamics of the birds in our region.

NHESP Heritage Hub Instructions

he BBC encourages trip leaders to report nesting observations of state-listed endangered species to MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. You can find a list of these state-listed species on the MassWildlife website. Reporting is done through the Heritage Hub. The instructions will walk you through reporting, including all data required in your reports.