BBC Programs
You can now purchase your Stamp through the Brookline Bird Club. We also have Brookline Bird Club Duck Stamp holders/keychains available for sale. Duck Stamps are valid from July – June for each year issued. Entrance to any national wildlife refuge in the United States is free when you show your Stamp.
To nurture interest in bird study and conservation among young birders, the BBC provides two annual Young Birder Scholarships—for New England residents ages 14-17–to cover the full cost of the Coastal Maine Bird Studies for Teens program at National Audubon’s Hog Island camp. Scholarships are supported through BBC member donations.
To encourage bird and nature study by young people, the BBC donates funds to schools and educational programs for the purchase of books or other educational materials used to teach K-12 students about birds, nature, and natural science. Donations are supported through BBC member donations.
The American Kestrel is our smallest and certainly our most colorful falcon. Found throughout North America, this valuable insect and rodent predator was formerly quite common. Numbers have declined significantly throughout the U.S. over the past decade, however. A shortage of nest sites is believed to be a major reason.
Birder’s Exchange Program Donations: Donations of used binoculars and other birding equipment are accepted at all BBC evening meetings and are forwarded to the Birder’s Exchange Program.
Native birds co-evolved and depend on native plants for their survival. Here are some useful sources for learning about native plants: each website provides a piece of essential content for plant field identification, selecting by habitat requirements native plants for your garden, porch or neighborhood, and where native plants might be purchased or obtained.