Buy a Duck Stamp

Buy your 2024 – 2025 Duck Stamp through the Brookline Bird Club. Stamps are available for sale through February 15, 2025. We also have Brookline Bird Club Duck Stamp holders/keychains available.
To purchase your Stamp through the Brookline Bird Club, send a $25 check made payable to: Brookline Bird Club. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and send to: Chris Hughes, 4 Pelham Road, Weston, MA 02493. Holders/keychains are $2 each. Please, NO self-addressed stamped envelope with any order containing a holder since they require additional packaging!
The 2025 Stamp is valid through June 30, 2025. Entrance to any of the 573 national wildlife refuge in the United States is FREE when you show your Stamp, including Parker River and Great Meadows, among others.
Ninety-eight cents of every Stamp dollar goes to land acquisition from willing sellers through purchase or easements. Since 1934, Stamp sales have generated more than $1.2 billion to protect over 6 million acres of wetlands habitat on national wildlife refuges around the nation. The newest, Southern Maryland Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge, was established in December 2024. Of the 32 refuges in New England, 11 are in Massachusetts, including Parker River, Monomoy, Great Meadows, Oxbow, and Assabet River. With our large membership, purchasing a $25 Stamp can make a significant contribution to the continued protection of these important habitats.
For more information about the National Wildlife Refuge System, go to the US Fish & Wildlife Service. For more information on the Stamp, go to the FWS Duck Stamp page. Friends of the Stamp features Stamp news, links, a calendar of upcoming events, and more.
You can also continue to buy your stamp at refuge offices, admission booths, and post offices or online from either USPS or
Join us in supporting our national wildlife refuges and this important conservation program by buying a Stamp today!