Fruitlands Museum, Harvard, 100-132 Prospect Hill Road, Worcester, Massachusetts, US
24-Sep-2022 07:00 – 09:30
Protocol: Traveling
2.24 mile(s)
Checklist Comments:    Chilly morning but clear and sunny. 45 degrees to start. Breezy. Brookline Bird Club/Boxborough Birders walk.
38 species
Canada Goose  7
Mourning Dove  1
Double-crested Cormorant  1    Flyover
Turkey Vulture  1
Cooper’s Hawk  1
Bald Eagle  1
Red-shouldered Hawk  1
Red-tailed Hawk  2
Barred Owl  1
Red-bellied Woodpecker  5
Downy Woodpecker  1
Northern Flicker  2
American Kestrel  1
Eastern Phoebe  4
Red-eyed Vireo  1
Blue Jay  21
American Crow  1
Black-capped Chickadee  2
Tufted Titmouse  2
Barn Swallow  1    Seen well in flight by two observers.
Red-breasted Nuthatch  1    heard only, near where we saw the hermit thrush
White-breasted Nuthatch  2
House Wren  1
European Starling  40    several flocks flying over – rough estimate as there were many
Gray Catbird  12
Eastern Bluebird  1
Hermit Thrush  1
American Robin  4
Cedar Waxwing  2
American Goldfinch  4
Chipping Sparrow  1
White-throated Sparrow  1
Song Sparrow  1
Eastern Towhee  2
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Common Yellowthroat  1
Blackpoll Warbler  1
Northern Cardinal  3
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