Plum Island (please use more refined location), Essex, Massachusetts, US

Jun 22, 2024 7:16 AM – 12:42 PM

Protocol: Traveling

0.09 mile(s)

Checklist Comments:    My Brookline Bird Club Summer Solstice Saunter Day List. 

We started the trip at 7AM at Plum Island Parking Lot #1 and birded our way south to Hellcat, where we ended the trip at noon. 

Weather: 65°F, overcast, breezy. Fantastic morning to be out birding!

60 species

Canada Goose  31

Mute Swan  1

Gadwall  8

Mallard  5

American Black Duck  4

Mourning Dove  15

Killdeer  15

Lesser Yellowlegs  2

Willet  15

Greater Yellowlegs  5

Dunlin  1    Rufus back, black under belly, curved bill seen by everyone on the trip.

Least Sandpiper  5

Herring Gull  1

Great Black-backed Gull  2

Least Tern  6

Common Tern  13

Double-crested Cormorant  11

American Bittern  1

Black-crowned Night Heron  1

Snowy Egret  5

Great Egret  14

Great Blue Heron  1

Glossy Ibis  2

Turkey Vulture  1

Osprey  6

Bald Eagle  2

Northern Flicker  1

Eastern Wood-Pewee  3

Willow Flycatcher  1

Great Crested Flycatcher  2

Eastern Kingbird  9

Blue Jay  2

Black-capped Chickadee  4

Tree Swallow  11

Purple Martin  22

Barn Swallow  3

House Wren  1

Marsh Wren  17

Gray Catbird  29

Brown Thrasher  1

Northern Mockingbird  8

American Robin  6

Cedar Waxwing  11

House Sparrow  12

Purple Finch  5

American Goldfinch  12

Field Sparrow  2

Saltmarsh Sparrow  1

Song Sparrow  10

Swamp Sparrow  2

Eastern Towhee  8

Bobolink  3

Orchard Oriole  2

Baltimore Oriole  1

Red-winged Blackbird  36

Common Grackle  42

Common Yellowthroat  10

American Redstart  13

Yellow Warbler  9

Northern Cardinal  1

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