North Wachusett Reservoir

We will explore a new trip location for the state-list Grasshopper Sparrow. We will cover a few miles on foot while also enjoying other species that we may encounter along the way. If there is interest, we will also extend the search to a second site in Sterling. Target endangered breeding species: Grasshopper Sparrow.

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Concord

Concord - Great Meadows Concord Unit, Entrance Rd, Concord, MA, United States

Rails and Least Bittern are our main targets. Note that entrance fee or pass is required. Duck stamps and entrance passes are accepted.

Pine Hill Road Grassland

Lancaster - Pine Hill Road Grasslands Pine Hill Road, Lancaster, MA, United States

We will hike a sandy/gravelly field area for grassland breeding sparrows and warblers including Grasshopper Sparrow, and wait until sunset for whip-poor-wills.

Shaw Farm

We will explore a new trip location for the state-list Grasshopper Sparrow. We will walk for a mile or so for the sparrow, and then participants can decide if they wish to join for some general birding in the adjacent forest. Target endangered breeding species: Grasshopper Sparrow.

Allens Pond Mass Audubon Sanctuary, Dartmouth

This trip is for the marsh sparrows and White-eyed Vireo. This is the best spot in Massachusetts to observe both nesting marsh sparrows (Saltmarsh and Seaside) up close and personal. Note: The time is approximate since the leader is completing his breeding bird survey route prior to this trip.

Crane WMA

Falmouth - Crane WMA 754 Nathan Ellis Highway, Falmouth, MA, United States

This unique grassland habitat is host to a rich variety of species, including Eastern Meadowlark, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, American Kestrel, and possibly Blue Grosbeak. Cosponsored with Cape Cod Bird Club.

Crane Beach, Ipswich

Ipswich - Crane Beach 331 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, MA, United States

This two-mile walk in the sand is aimed at nesting Piping Plovers, Least Terns, and Bank Swallows, as well as evening singers such as Whip-poor-wills. Be prepared for mosquitoes at sunset. Co-sponsored by the Essex County Ornithological Club.

Myles Standish State Forest, Carver – Evening

Carver - Myles Standish State Forest 181 Cranberry Rd, Carver, MA, United States

A serene way to end the day with Prairie Warblers and Hermit Thrushes reluctantly giving way to Eastern Whip-poor-wills and, perhaps, Northern Saw-whet Owls. Target endangered breeding species: Whip-poor-will.

Mt. Greylock

Mount Greylock Visitors Center 30 Rockwell Road, Lanesborough, MA, United States

This will be an exciting trip with the occasional surprise. Mourning Warbler has always been a specialty of this trip. Enjoy the warblers and other neotropical migrants we observed during spring migration. Co-sponsored by the South Shore Bird Club. This trip will end around 3 p.m. then reconvene for dinner and an evening trip to [...]

Pine Hill Road Grassland

Lancaster - Pine Hill Road Grasslands Pine Hill Road, Lancaster, MA, United States

This trip will focus on finding some of the unusual birds that nest at Pine Hill - Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow, and Eastern Whip-poor-will. Easy walk over flat sandy roads. Rain cancels walk.

BBC field trips are open to all participants. Unless otherwise stated, all trips are free to attend and do not need preregistration. You do not need to be a club member to attend, though we hope you will join. See the Field Trip FAQ for answers to general questions. Contact leaders for more details about specific trips.

We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations. These may include ongoing public health measures. Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.

We hope to see you out birding soon!

field trip / event categories
Birding 101 | Birding Boston | Conservation Series | Family Friendly | Limited Mobility | Pelagic | Meeting