
Wayland - Wayland Commons Center MA, United States

We will listen for state-listed American and Least Bitterns. With some luck, we might even hear one! Not a trip for the easily frustrated. Uneven terrain. Target endangered breeding species: American and Least Bittern.

Plymouth Airport for grassland sparrows – Pre-Registration Required

Plymouth Airport 246 S Meadow Rd, Plymouth, MA, United States

This is a series of one to one and a half hour trips offered so COVID-related protocols limiting group size will allow people to enjoy the birds of Plymouth airport. With permission from the airport manager, we will be allowed to go inside the second fence line onto the airport, closed to the general public, [...]

CANCELLED – Crane Beach, Ipswich

Ipswich - Crane Beach 331 Argilla Rd, Ipswich, MA, United States


Myles Standish State Forest, Carver – Evening

Carver - Myles Standish State Forest 181 Cranberry Rd, Carver, MA, United States

A serene way to end the day with Prairie Warblers and Hermit Thrushes reluctantly giving way to Eastern Whip-poor-wills and, perhaps, Northern Saw-whet Owls. Target endangered breeding species: Whip-poor-will.

Pine Hill Grasslands

Lancaster - Pine Hill Road Grasslands Pine Hill Road, Lancaster, MA, United States

We will hike a sandy/gravelly field area for grassland breeding sparrows and warblers including Grasshopper Sparrow, and wait until sunset for whip-poor-wills.

Norfolk Airport

Norfolk - Norfolk Airport MA, United States

This former airfield now provides habitat for endangered grassland breeding birds. We hope to find both Grasshopper Sparrow and Eastern Meadowlark on territory in these fields. Bobolinks’ bold and unusual songs and plumage should be a nice bonus on this trip. We will be walking primarily on flat, grassy terrain for a mile or two [...]

Pine Hill Road Grassland

Lancaster - Pine Hill Road Grasslands Pine Hill Road, Lancaster, MA, United States

This trip will focus on finding some of the unusual birds that nest at Pine Hill - Grasshopper Sparrow, Vesper Sparrow and Eastern Whip-poor-will. Easy walk over flat sandy roads. Rain cancels walk.  Location: Drive to the end of Pine Hill Road in Lancaster (not Bolton or Harvard), bear left at the end and park [...]

October Mountain

Lenox - October Mountain 380 New Lenox Rd, Lenox, MA, United States

This trip has more diversity than the prior day’s as we begin along the Housatonic River WMA and make our way over October Mountain. Multiple habitats make this trip more diversified than the Greylock trip. Co-sponsored by the South Shore Bird Club. Target endangered breeding species: American Bittern, Mourning Warbler.

BBC field trips are open to all participants. Unless otherwise stated, all trips are free to attend and do not need preregistration. You do not need to be a club member to attend, though we hope you will join. See the Field Trip FAQ for answers to general questions. Contact leaders for more details about specific trips.

We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations. These may include ongoing public health measures. Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.

We hope to see you out birding soon!

field trip / event categories
Birding 101 | Birding Boston | Conservation Series | Family Friendly | Limited Mobility | Pelagic | Meeting