BBC Field Trips
Lake Umbagog Boston - Fenway Victory Gardens Owl Prowl Birding by Bicycle Indian Ridge at Mt. Auburn Cemetery South Beach Safari

Field Trips – Info for Participants

The Brookline Bird Club conducts birding trips in New England. Birding belongs to everyone: we welcome all who enjoy and care about birds, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, birding experience or skill level.

We encourage you to suggest new spots for our birding trips. Please let us know if there’s a place near where you live that you would recommend.

Points of Courtesy for Field Trip Participants

In order to make our field trips a pleasant experience for all, we offer the following guidelines to participants:

  • Please follow the leader’s instructions.
  • Stay with the group and do not move ahead of the leader.

  • Help the leader by pointing out birds others might miss.

  • Help other participants locate birds observed by group.

  • By keeping a respectable distance from the bird, everyone in the group will have the opportunity to make an observation.

  • When trying to see a bird please consider and respect others’ personal space.

  • While field trips are opportunities to seek out birds and other wildlife, they are also social occasions. To ensure the enjoyment of all please conduct conversations quietly and away from participants trying to locate birds.

  • If you leave the group early, please let the leader know.

FAQ for Field Trip Participants

  • All BBC trips are free to attend, although some trips may specify costs for travel or admission to a location. A list of upcoming trips can be found here.
  • We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations.

  • Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.

  • The website will indicate when preregistration is required for a trip. To register, from the page for that specific trip click/tap on the “Register For This Field Trip” button. If all spaces are filled, you will be placed on a waitlist and contacted if a space opens up. People who do not register in advance and show up on the day of the trip will be turned away.

  • If you register for a trip, but then later determine that you cannot attend, please contact the BBC at so that someone else may have an opportunity to attend.
  • The trip leader may contact registered participants prior to the trip.
  • While most of the trips are scheduled on the weekends, some trips are conducted during the week, and both full-day and half-day trips are offered.
  • All BBC trips are led by experienced volunteers. Leaders reserve the right to limit the participation to some trips due to the nature of the location of the walk (e.g. limited parking facilities, etc.). There are also a few out of state trips with limited participation including the annual Rangeley Lake Area and Downeast Maine trips as well as trips to various locations in New Hampshire. The pelagic trips are limited by the size of the boat. In all other cases, please just turn up at the scheduled time at the meeting place – you don’t need to inform the leader in advance.
  • In rare circumstances, a leader may cancel a trip based on an emergency situation such as dangerous (or entirely unproductive) weather conditions. Leaders will notify registrants of a cancellation, as well as a post on the home page, and a message to the MASSBIRD listserv.

  • Bring a lunch on all-day trips. You may want to bring a drink and snack for half day trips.
  • Inform the leader if you need to leave early.
  • The BBC stresses the importance of good public relations. When attending trips, park your vehicle off the road, away from driveways and posted areas, so traffic can flow unimpeded. Respect special guidelines at birding locations such as cemeteries and national wildlife refuges. Most importantly, do not enter private property unless you have permission. For a refresher on responsible birding, see the BBC Code of Ethics.

  • Restroom facilities may be limited in availability so please plan accordingly.

    Can’t find an answer to your question? Email us at

Types of Field Trips

Birding 101

Trips designated BIRDING 101 are geared especially to beginners or young birders. The leader will focus on the basics of birding such as field marks, how to describe a bird’s location, and identification tips. These trips are open to all, but are ideal if you are a beginner or have a non-birding friend (a pre-birder!) who might like to come along and see what it’s all about. That’s how most of us got started! If you have a suggestion for a good spot for a beginners’ walk, please contact the field trip coordinator.

Limited Mobility

Trips designated LIMITED MOBILITY are geared especially to birders who are unable to walk/hike long distances. The leader will focus on going to areas where birds can be seen from the car or by taking short walks on easy terrain. Wheel chairs can be accommodated in some areas. Contact the leader if you use one. These trips are open to all, but are ideal if you might like to come on a bird trip and not be left behind while others go off on a long hike. If you have a suggestion for a good spot for a beginners’ walk, please contact the field trip coordinator.

Conservation Series

Trips designated with the Breeding Bird Conservation logo are adventures in search of Massachusett’s endangered breeding birds. The goal of these trips is to contribute to local bird and habitat conservation, in addition to providing club members with the chance to experience these endangered birds on their breeding grounds. Each trip will attempt to submit an observation of at least one state-listed bird species to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP). If accepted by NHESP, these sightings support legal protection for MA endangered species under state conservation laws. For more information on the NHESP and other conservation efforts, please our Conservation Resources page.

Loaner Binoculars

Trips designated with LOANER BINOCULARS will include the use of loaner binoculars for your excursion.

Family Friendly

Trips designated as FAMILY FRIENDLY are field trips that are suitable for families with pre-teen children.

Birding Boston

Trips designated BIRDING BOSTON are trips taking place in the City of Boston.