“Timberdoodles” kids’ Evening walk , Belmont (This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.)

Leader's Choice

This program is FULL; please email to be added to the waitlist.   This walk is for kids aged 5-12 with an accompanying parent or parents. Group size is limited; contact Kathy Dia to register and for meeting place details at kdia@brooklinebirdclub.org. The American Woodcock is an unusual upland shorebird whose unique courtship display is really something to see! Join [...]

Woodcock Watch, Oxbow NWR, Harvard

Harvard - Still River Depot Road

We will stay until it gets dark to watch for American Woodcock. Come early to enjoy other birds. Rain date Sunday, March 23, same time.

Timberdoodles in Sharon (Rescheduled from March 21)

Sharon - Moose Hill Farm (trustees) 396 Moose Hill Street, Sharon, MA, United States

Come watch American Woodcock display behavior. Water-resistant shoes helpful, but not needed.

Dunback Meadow, Lexington

We will look for wintering birds and early migrants. Cosponsored with Menotomy Bird club.

Boston Nature Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, Mattapan

Mattapan - MAS Boston Nature Center 500 Walk Hill St, Mattapan, MA, United States

Join us to observe resident birds and fall migrants in a unique urban habitat that is a favorite for many bird species, including uncommon and rare birds. A BNC naturalist will help us find and identify birds through field marks, sounds, and behaviors. Birders of all levels will enjoy these guided walks. The trails are [...]

Members Only Webinar: A Month at Sea in the Humboldt Current – Ship Life, Pelagic Birds, and Deep Sea Creatures, with Scott Weiman

Embark on an evening of discovery as marine geochemist Scott Wieman recounts a recent month-long research expedition aboard the R/V Falkor(too) from Valparaíso to Puerto Montt, Chile. Scott’s talk blends his experiences birding the highly productive Humboldt current with the broader expedition’s exploration of numerous methane cold seeps and submarine canyons along the Chilean Margin. [...]

Woodcock Walk, North Easton

North Easton - Edwin A. Keach Park Chestnut Street, Easton, MA, United States

From the playground, we will walk a short distance to an open area where we can observe 2 fields for Woodcock. Sunset is around 6:30 pm so bring a camp chair and relax for the Woodcock flight.

Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Concord

Concord - Great Meadows Concord Unit, Entrance Rd, Concord, MA, United States

We will look for early migrants, waterfowl, and waders. Conditions may be wet; boots advised. Note that an entrance fee or pass is required.

Franklin Park – Scarboro Pond

Boston - Franklin Park & Scarboro Pond Roxbury, MA, United States

We will look for early spring migrants in Franklin Park. Beginners welcome and encouraged. Expect to walk up to 2 miles on paved paths. Loaner binoculars available. Co-sponsored with the Franklin Park Coalition and Franklin Park Tennis Association.

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge

Mount Auburn Cemetery 536 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA, United States

Mount Auburn Cemetery is lovely in all seasons.  In late March, we may see the very earliest migrants from the south (Red-winged Blackbird, others) as well as the remaining seasonal visitors from the north (e.g. White-throated Sparrow, Dark-eyed Junco).  And our usual year-round resident species will have just started to sing!