Cape Ann

Gloucester - Fisherman's Monument Gloucester Fisherman's Memorial, 60 Western Ave, Gloucester, MA, United States

We will search for alcids and other wintering seabirds. In case of inclement weather check with leader night before trip.

Arnold Arboretum, Boston

Arnold Arboretum - Main Gate 125 Arborway, Boston, MA, United States

Start your 2022 year list off on this easy 90-minute walk from the main gate to the ponds and back. In addition to looking for winter birds we will admire the Arboretum's impressive woody plant collection. See the arboretum website at for directions and a checklist of birds.

RESCHEDULED – Charles River Waltham

Waltham - Charles River Shaws Supermarket 130 River Street, Waltham, MA, United States

THIS TRIP HAS BEEN RESCHEDUELED TO JANUARY 27 Join us for a 1.5 mile walk on paved paths. We hope to see diving ducks such as Bufflehead, Common and Hooded Mergansers, Ring Neck Ducks. We will look and listen for perching birds too. Bald Eagle, Golden Crowned Kinglet are a couple of possibilities. Cosponored with [...]

NEW START TIME – Belle Isle Marsh

East Boston - Belle Isle Parking Lot 1399 Bennington Street, Boston, MA, United States

Join us on a free joint BBC-Boston Nature Center bird walk to observe resident birds and fall migrants in a unique urban setting that is a favorite habitat for many bird species. A BNC naturalist will help us find and identify birds such as shorebirds, wading birds, sea ducks, and hopefully owls through field marks, [...]

Halibut Point State Park, Rockport

Rockport - Halibut Point State Park Halibut Point State Park, Rockport, MA, United States

A two-hour walk, about 1.5 miles, over easy to moderate gravel roads and trails in search of seasonal specialties. Boots advisable. Restrooms are available. In case of inclement weather check with leader night before trip.

Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge

Mount Auburn Cemetery 536 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge, MA, United States

A peaceful winter walk in Mount Auburn is always a pleasure and you never know what you might see. Sapsuckers and Red-breasted Nuthatches are regulars.

Webinar: The Lawrence Crow Roost

Virtual via Zoom MA, United States

Lawrence is well known for its winter crow roost, with thousands of birds pouring in from every direction. Join us at this webinar where Dana Duxbury-Fox and Bob Fox talk about their experiences in Lawrence and about their research into roosting crows. Register for the webinar: There is also a limited participation field trip [...]

BBC field trips are open to all participants. Unless otherwise stated, all trips are free to attend and do not need preregistration. You do not need to be a club member to attend, though we hope you will join. See the Field Trip FAQ for answers to general questions. Contact leaders for more details about specific trips.

We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations. These may include ongoing public health measures. Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.

We hope to see you out birding soon!

field trip / event categories
Birding 101 | Birding Boston | Conservation Series | Family Friendly | Limited Mobility | Pelagic | Meeting