BBC field trips are open to all participants. Unless otherwise stated, all trips are free to attend and do not need preregistration. You do not need to be a club member to attend, though we hope you will join. See the Field Trip FAQ for answers to general questions. Contact leaders for more details about specific trips. (Note that some webinars are limited to members.)
Week of Field Trips / Events
MA Waterfowl Prowl
MA Waterfowl Prowl
We will visit the ponds, marshes, bays, and backwaters of the Upper and Lower Cape and other areas in our search for 25+ species of ducks, as well as loons, grebes, swans, and geese. Cosponsored by Cape Cod Bird Club.
Belle Isle Marsh and Vicinity
Belle Isle Marsh and Vicinity
Led by DCR staff. We will search on foot up to one mile, on flat, easy terrain for snowy owls and other raptors, finches and waterfowl. Expect to move to different locations by car or bicycle. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities available upon request. Ages: Adults and kids 8 years+ with adult chaperone. Binoculars [...]
Ipswich and Vicinity
Ipswich and Vicinity
We will search for waterfowl, raptors, and wintering boreal songbirds. Limited walking. Carpooling from the meeting location will be essential. Co-sponsored by the Essex County Ornithological Club.
NEW DATE – Winter Birds along the Concord River Greenway, Lowell
NEW DATE – Winter Birds along the Concord River Greenway, Lowell
The Concord River in winter can be a rich spot for birds as it tumbles and meanders toward its confluence with the Merrimack. We will look for wintering ducks and gulls that use the open water for feeding and we might even see a Bald Eagle. This walk is suitable for beginners and those with [...]
We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations. These may include ongoing public health measures. Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.
We hope to see you out birding soon!
field trip / event categories
Birding 101 | Birding Boston | Conservation Series | Family Friendly | Limited Mobility | Pelagic | Meeting | Public Transportation