BBC field trips are open to all participants. Unless otherwise stated, all trips are free to attend and do not need preregistration. You do not need to be a club member to attend, though we hope you will join. See the Field Trip FAQ for answers to general questions. Contact leaders for more details about specific trips. (Note that some webinars are limited to members.)
Week of Field Trips / Events
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Eastern Point, Gloucester
Eastern Point, Gloucester
An easy but long (four-hour) walk on the roads and grassy footpaths of this traditional warbler hot-spot. Mainly level terrain, but will likely have some muddy areas and uneven terrain. Heavy rain cancels.
Spring Migrants at Magazine Beach
Spring Migrants at Magazine Beach
We will search for spring migrants and residents including warblers, vireos, sparrows, orioles, flycatchers, swallows, thrushes, raptors, waterfowl, and more. Plan for walking approximately 1.5 miles on gravel paths and grassy fields. Boots recommended as some areas can be muddy. Cosponsored by Massachusetts Audubon Society. Limited parking available in parking circle here with additional [...]
Belle Isle Marsh Reservation
Belle Isle Marsh Reservation
Join us to observe resident birds and spring migrants in a unique urban habitat that is a favorite for many bird species, including uncommon and rare birds. Birders of all levels will enjoy this walk The trails are flat and easy to walk. Be sure to wear a hat and waterproof footwear and pack water. [...]
Westboro Wildlife Management Area
Westboro Wildlife Management Area
We will hike the north side of Big Chauncy Pond in search of migrant warblers.
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Chandler Pond, Brighton
Chandler Pond, Brighton
Easy birding around the pond. Possible extension to another location if the pond is not too birdy.
Weston Station Pond Rookery
Weston Station Pond Rookery
Discover a Weston hot-spot featuring a Great Blue Heron rookery accessible by public transportation. The walk offers excellent chances for spring migrants, raptors, nesting Eastern Bluebirds and various waterfowl. Beginners welcome. Leader will pre-walk the route to scout for arriving species each session.
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Sharon
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, Sharon
We’ll be looking and listening for migrants along the Billings Loop. Let’s find what Glenn can hear! Co-sponsored with the South Shore Bird Club.
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Plum Island
Plum Island
We will explore various parts of the Parker River NWR in search of warblers. Note than entrance fee or pass is required. Restrooms available.
McLaughlin Woods
McLaughlin Woods
We will walk around McLaughlin Woods, looking mainly for warblers and other migrants.
Cold Spring Park, Newton
Cold Spring Park, Newton
Easy one to two-mile walk through mixed forest and open areas in search of resident and breeding birds.
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Charles River Esplanade
Charles River Esplanade
We will walk along the Charles River Esplanade from the Longfellow Bridge upriver looking for birds on both land and water. We hope to see a range of spring migrants as well as year round residents and birds setting up their breeding territories. Co-sponsored with the Charles River Esplanade Association. Loaner binoculars available. Preregister on [...]
Slow Birding at Revere Beach
Slow Birding at Revere Beach
Led by DCR Park Staff. Come observe the beautiful details of birds and their behaviors and share observations with others in the group. Pose questions and memories that observations elicit. Birds we may see include Piping Plover, Manx Shearwater, resident gulls, with Common Tern arriving by May. Suitable for adults and children 8 years+. Children [...]
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Martin Burns WMA, West Newbury
Martin Burns WMA, West Newbury
Will walk the three-mile loop. No restroom facilities. Target birds: Indigo Bunting, Blue-winged Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Olive-sided Flycatcher.
Blue Hills, Milton
Blue Hills, Milton
We’ll look for breeding Worm-eating Warblers, Prairie Warblers and Indigo Buntings. One to two miles of walking–most trails are good, but we may want to take some steeper and rockier paths.
Roslindale Wetlands Urban Park
Roslindale Wetlands Urban Park
A small but mighty urban wild that offers a variety of habitat. Expect to see a variety of woodpeckers, resident birds, warblers, and other migratory species, as well as a surprise or two. The path is flat with a mix of gravel and dirt surfaces with newly added boardwalks on the wetter sections. Boots are [...]
Spring Migrants at Minute Man NHP
Spring Migrants at Minute Man NHP
Join me at this wonderful birding spot which hosts many nesting species and migrants. Blue-winged Warbler, American Redstart, and Indigo Buntings are regular nesters. Each year brings a few surprises. In past years, around this date, these have included Bay-Breasted Warbler, Alder Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, Kentucky Warbler, and both cuckoos. This is a one-mile walk [...]
Evening Walk at Magazine Beach
Evening Walk at Magazine Beach
Evening walk to search for spring migrants and residents including warblers, vireos, sparrows, orioles, flycatchers, swallows, thrushes, raptors, waterfowl and more. Plan for walking 1 to 1.5 miles on gravel paths and grassy fields. Boots recommended as some areas can be muddy. Cosponsired by Massachusetts Audubon Society. Limited parking available in parking circle here [...]
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Friday Morning Emerald Necklace Birding at Olmsted Pk
Friday Morning Emerald Necklace Birding at Olmsted Pk
We will explore the Olmsted Park section of the Emerald Necklace looking for warblers, vireos, orioles, and other spring migrants at Jamaica, Ward, Willow, and Leverett Ponds. Beginners welcome and encouraged. Limited loaner binoculars available. Terrain will be a mix of paved and unpaved paths and grassy fields. We’ll walk up to 1.5 miles. No [...]
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Fruitlands Museum, Harvard
Fruitlands Museum, Harvard
Co-sponsored with Boxborough Birders. We will look for resident species including Indigo Bunting, Savannah Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, Veery, Blue-headed Vireo, Wild Turkey, American Kestrel, and a variety of warblers. Expect to walk about two miles on trails through meadows and woods, with some steep sections. Prepare for ticks. We will bird at the [...]
Caratunk Wildlife Sanctuary
Caratunk Wildlife Sanctuary
Just two miles from the Rhode Island border, Caratunk Wildlife Refuge in Seekonk, MA offers six miles of nature hiking trails through nearly 200 acres of fields, forests, streams and ponds. A Purple Martin colony can be observed nesting in the gourds in the main field. Trails are easy to moderate in difficulty. Expect 2.5 [...]
Franklin Park – Scarboro Pond
Franklin Park – Scarboro Pond
We will look for warblers, orioles, and other migratory birds in the Scarboro Pond section of Franklin Park. Beginners welcome and encouraged. Expect to walk up to two miles on paved paths. Co-sponsored with the Franklin Park Coalition, Franklin Park Tennis Association, and the Emerald Necklace Bird Club. Limited number of loaner binoculars available.
Belle Isle Marsh and Vicinity
Belle Isle Marsh and Vicinity
Led by DCR staff. We will search on foot up to one mile on flat, easy terrain, for migrating or resident songbirds, raptors, shorebirds, and marsh birds at this birding hotspot and state park. This is a traveling program by car or bike. Prepare for ticks and mosquitoes. Ages: Adults and kids 8 years+ with [...]
Forest River Conservation Area (CANCELED)
Forest River Conservation Area (CANCELED)
This trip is canceled due to scheduling conflicts. Easy to moderate 1.5 mile hike on 26 acre property which includes marsh, tidal pools, upland fields and woods. Expect to see various warblers, sparrows and Vireos. Wear hiking boots for modest uphill and downhill paths with some mud.
We follow all policies of field trip location property owners and co-sponsoring organizations. These may include ongoing public health measures. Some participants may choose to wear a face mask for health purposes. We support their right to do so.
We hope to see you out birding soon!
field trip / event categories
Birding 101 | Birding Boston | Conservation Series | Family Friendly | Limited Mobility | Pelagic | Meeting | Public Transportation